This is always an interesting time of year! We're looking forward to the arrival of Spring and the start of another season of good times at the 'Beam...and we're never quite sure when it will arrive! We only know we have to be ready for all of you, and that's a great motivation.

Ice on the frozen lake started to break up a week or so ago and piled up on the rock break wall one night when the wind was blowing in gusts. A dramatic look for sure.
There are still a few ice floes moving around on the lake but most of the ice has gone and there is plenty of water!
There was a very short window of opportunity to do the yearly dock repairs, so a lot was done in a couple of full days' work. As well as the usual straightening and fixing of the walkways, a few of the docks have been raised about a foot. It was just in time, as the water kept rising and now is at the point where we need to 'roll out the barrels'! Levels should stabilize by the time we launch the boats.
Meanwhile, on dry land, there has been plenty going on. As promised, the new doors and windows are installed in cottages #2, #3, #9 (1 bedroom) and #25 (2 bedroom) and that has made a great improvement- they look really good.
As well, cottages #2, #3 (1 bedroom) and #4 (2 bedroom) in the lake view row have been treated to a fresh coat of paint which has brightened their look.
There is always the ongoing seasonal preparation around the grounds and the setting up of all the cottages and waterfront and marina and...the list goes on! However the main thought in mind is that we're excited that it's almost time for the fishing to begin! Roll on Victoria Day weekend (Saturday May 18 season opening), fingers crossed for good weather! See you then!
Darren & Sarah